Meditation Bio

I’ve been practising meditation and breathing exercises for 7 years after battling with depression, anxiety and addiction. Meditation literally saved my life, I was able to overcome addictions, depression, anxiety and pursue a dream of becoming a therapist.

My journey started back in 2016 after I visited a Buddhist Centre near where I live to learn how to meditate. At first it was difficult to remain still, my mind was jumping all over the place, after practising for a while my thoughts became less busy, I even started to feel less angry and frustrated with life, waves of peace arising. It was fabulous, the mental and physical health benefits are astounding, to name a few – stress reduction, better focus, stronger immunity, less negative thoughts, being with difficult emotions, compassion, generosity and kindness.

Since I have trained then qualified as a Counsellor, Addiction Therapist and Davidji Meditation Teacher. I’ve quit my job of 29 years to work for myself, I have moved house to a dream location and entered a new relationship with a new partner. I honestly don’t think that all would have been possible if it wasn’t for meditation as it helped me shrink the fear response in my brain helping me reach my dreams. I am truly grateful for meditation and breathwork and it’s something which can be done for free each day!

Am passionate about sharing these techniques and will be running
weekly breathwork and meditation classes via zoom where I will be talking about the fantastic benefits of meditation. As a group we meditate together, try different breathwork exercises to help with stress, anxiety and depression. Solfeggio Sound healing music to finish, with a feedback session at the end for people to share their experience with others in the group.

Drawing on my experience working with online meditation and in person groups I’ve found it beneficial to meditate in groups. It gives us a sense of connection with like minded people and increases the experience.

Sessions Fees

Online counselling £50 (60min session)

In person 1-2-1 counselling £50 (60min session)

Sex compulsion online therapy £60 (60min session)

Sex compulsion in person 1-2-1 therapy £60 (60min session)

Couples counselling £80 in person (60min session)

Reflective practice sessions £100 per 90 min session with up to 8 people in a group.

Meditation online classes: Free